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Innovation through Architecture
“For buildings to be timeless, they must belong to their context.”
With a team of innovative architects, we craft sustainable buildings with experiential spaces. We utilise sensory design techniques that articulate natural materials, volume, light and shadow to create an experience that is beyond tangible.
Our designs are comfortable and functional. We innovate unique and practical design solutions to cater for a client’s individual way of life.
In rising to the challenge of sustainability, we implement passive design techniques that are specific to the regional climate. These techniques increase a building’s energy efficiency and extend its life-span. We rely on age-old architectural knowledge, combined with modern technologies and construction methods to ensure that your building will stand the test of time.
Cape Town based Architects with a national design footprint.
Our architects design region-responsive buildings. Critical responses to the socio-economic context and regional climates have become an imperative for achieving tangible sustainable building practices. We prioritize the use of closed-cycle building processes that utilise the raw materials on the site and create a balance between built and natural environments.
Archimedes Design can guide your project from inception, through to practical completion Join us in building a sustainable future.